Sunday, January 17, 2016


NJ has the highest population of toothless white women

Why does NJ have so many tooth less white women?

"women of new jersey 5 times more likely to be toothless according to to recent studies"
One word "water".  New Jersey is home to some  of the top producing oil refineries in the country. New Jersey is chemical plant friendly, Alowing tons of raw sewage and chemicals into brooks and streams.

    It is a fact that the enamel on a womens teeth is 10 percent thinner than a mans. Coupled with the fact that nj hoes don't brush their teeth. new jersey girls are more prone to smoke weed or do coke in place of crystal meth like southern idiots. then the question is why are so many bitches tootheless in new jersey.
     we asked some a group of toothless white bitches from carteret nj.and they replied.

"you know toothbrushes are optional. We much rather walk around with yuck mouth all day"



ugly white girl photo: ugly uglyho2copy-2.jpg


New Jersey is all about attitude. These hoes definetly have it. new jersey is a state built on the middle class and its common for career women to earn more then some men. New jersey hoes are reckless. althought it is a mini melting pot. New Jersey being the most densely populated state per square mile.
In New Jersey you will find that even fat hoes can be arogant. The thirstyness of some mother f***
of this state has left even that fat most undesirable slore in the position of options. 
   The tough exterior off new jersey bitches is all a facade. These hoes are straight up punks. Only thing they have is alot of mouth. When challenged by another hoe it turns into a storm of shit talk, because that is all these bitches are good for. New Jersey hoes are no less loyal than any other. 
     You have been warned. new jersey hoes think they know everything. So if you marry one buy a mussle.


ugly photo: ugly! 1225068365852.jpg
New York, New York these hoes are a just that hoes. according to a ny daily news article
most ny college students are hoes " says that ny students are the fastest growing group of college students seeking sugar daddy on sites like seeking arangements. This means ny college students are selling ass at an alarming rate. The work force is mainly rich and poor the middle class is small.  These are the most bloodthirsty bitches on the planet. These bitches would try to suck blood from a rock.
     In conclusion if you meet a bitch in ny. She's  probably a hooker or gold digger or both.

NJ wins due to the fact they are a little less trifling  and scandolous then new york hoes.


When is it ok to hit a women

As society has conditioned us . Men have been taught you should never hit a women. Many men frown upon this practice as well. Most say you should never hit a women.
but thats not what we are here to talk about today.

what would drive a man to the point of violence. Could it be nagging. or could it maybe be endless verbal abuse. Could cheating and lying possibly drive you to open a can of whoop ass on a female. 

Why would you want to hit a female

Chris brown said it best these girls ain't loyal. women practice hypergamy. which means they will give mating right to the male with the most resources, in other words money. 
The reason this is important is human beings by design are never satisfied. So women feels like you have become dependent and comfortable. she will look for the next best thing.

These hoes ain't loyal 

infidelity is the top reason women are abused. In most cases this could have been prevented by not taking these hoes to seriously. When a man "catches feelings" for a girl he will think that he is taking owner shit and exclusivity of the pussy. This is not the case
it wouldn't benefit a women to be exclusive.

Strategy is putting yourself in the position with the most options. Thus an attractive women' s agenda would be to amass as much as possible with the least amount of work.

My thoughts

Im not a fan of hitting a female. I think cutting a bitch off is the way to do it.
she's somebodies family member.  My absence will be enough punishement.

so you decide when is it ok to hit a women?